deez boots are made for walking ! ( video)

boots 3my shoe / boot fetish started long time away – in my teens.  eye unabashedly love high heels !  for me they are the ultimate body art and adornment.  a huge part of the thrill with pole dancing for me  is the opportunity to dance and work out in  fabulous and outrageous footwear!  

these beauties pictured are a pair ‘eye’ treated myself to the other day. they literally called my name in the shoe store and begged me to take them home.  granted – these babies are not for the pole though –  these boots are made for walking , and in the famous words of  Nancy Sinatra, eye can’t wait to walk all over you !

home is where the heArt is ….

like is such a long and winding road.  sometimes eye marvel at the spaces and places eye been.  and sometimes eye get a lil’ sad.  like all of us,  my fairy tale has been an interesting journey.

through all the love, loss, pain and gain though, one of the most important lessons has been that of gratitude.  just mastering being happy for the moment, in the moment and being mind full of all the blessings, big and small.

today i’m really thankful for the pole in the bedroom of my apartment.  i am a long way from my  3000 square foot ‘palace’ eye owned several years ago.  and yes, sometimes it makes me quite sad.  but  in this ‘now’  I Am able to jump on my pole and whirl myself off into so many different dimensions; shapeshift my self into a plethora of sacred geometry; and dance my heart in to complete cosmic oblivion.  that said,  i rarely can stay sad for too long.

my lesson has been that home is whereever the heArt is and today eye am happy and grateful to just be home ~

loss and gain

eye stay woke …

Your vision will become clear only when you can look into your own heart. Who looks outside, dreams; who looks inside, awakes.

       – Carl Jung
  diva dun copy
studio:  Tilt Studio

sway in the wata …

eye sway on the shoulders of my ancestors

the rhythm beats my soul

eye dance 

eye live

eye breathe 

eye pray

eye sway …

prayer copy

studio:  Tilt Studios